Would you like to explore Ulfrheim, the mysterious Ninth Realm of Norse myth and Scandinavian folklore, before the rest of the world? As we are questing our way towards the release of Hour of the Wolf, we are inviting bold adventurers of all ages, stations and classes to join the campaign as ARC and Beta readers. (‘Scuse the role-playing lingo!)
If you have a thing for fantasy and:
- epic narratives,
- ancient legends,
- Norse mythology, and/or
- Scandinavian folklore,
and would welcome a chance to dive deep into stories yet untold, please head over to the sign-up form to register your interest and we’ll get back to you. The questions are there mainly to give us an idea of what kind of reader you are, and there are no right or wrong answers. If you have 10 social media followers you are just as likely to be invited as if you have 10,000, so there’s no need to polish the figures. =)
You have to leave your e-mail address to apply, and we will add you to the mailing list when you do. You can unsubscribe at any time, but you cannot be on the team if you are not on the mailing list.
(If this particular genre is not for you – we are still looking for ARC, Beta and sensitivity readers for a number of other genres from horror to spicy romance and erotica, and you can apply by filling in the same form and stating your preferences.)
There is not apply by date as we will continue to need more readers on the team, so if you’re up for it get your name on the list and let’s talk.