ONCE IN A BLUE MOON, a new Saga begins. Like this one, for example. I set up Ulfrheim.com (and .co.uk) as a home for my Ulfrheim Saga.
I’ve been sharing snippets, pictures and first drafts of these stories on Twitter, Wattpad and As We Write for a few years now, but the blue moon brings about change and new beginnings, so it’s time to level up and jump off yet another cliff.
Today, I begin the long journey to finally turn years of notes and thoughts and drafts into a finished book, or series, I can actually publish. Like a real, printed book. One you could read if you’d be interested.
If you take a tour around this site you can find out more about me and the stories about Ulfrheim and its people. In the Mead Hall, you can also hear the latest news, listen to old tales by the fireside, taste some Scandi treats, raise a skål to family and friends, and learn all about this adventure and what you can do to tag along.
If you have any questions you can’t find the answer to – let me know and I’ll do my best to explain.
Love & Light,
//Linn 🤍